sorry i'm not that happy, i mean hell, i got flash for christmas!! but someone i loved died on chistmas night. i realy shouldn't even say i'm sorry, i bet that only captaindrbob would end up reading this. why? because he's awsome. he realy is a good friend, if he would let me call us friends.i mean it's not like we know eachother outside the internet, but whatever.
point is he's a great guy and the best person to talk to.
so anyway, merry christmas newgrounds. i'll begin to start flash sometime or another.
don't forget to give poopooinatoilet your worst regards for christmas because he's picking on captaindrbob.
here is his account poopface's account
thanks for makeing me a good friend, yea your a friend to me. im sorry someone you loved died on christmas night . It must have sucked. I hope you can manage to pull though your times of remorse. I hope you had a merry christmas dude.
darkblue6676 (Updated )
well, besides her death, it was a merry cristmas. i did get flash after all, wich means i can start to make it once i figure it out. thanks for the Comfort, you realy are a great friend. and happy newyear too.